Situated in the northwest of Cambodia’s territory, 20 km to the Thai’s border, Banteay Chhmar is a commune consisting of 14 small villages. People traveling to Banteay Chhmar are mostly to see the renowned Banteay Chhmar temple and its nine satellite temples, a massive site featuring the gigantic Bayon-style face towers. At the moment (the year of 2017), these temples are under a multi-year conservation project by Global Heritage Fund and the Cambodian government. This is an act of effort to help Banteay Chhmar heritage site recover after years of natural decay and acts of looting. Besides the temples, when traveling Banteay Chhmar, you should not miss the visit to the Meborn Baray, and Pol Pot Baray, the two remarkable large reservoirs whose construction are strongly related to the long-gone historical periods of the time.